About Platform 3

The benefits of investments in agricultural innovation will only reach adopters and consumers if there is effective technology transfer to stakeholders, but the current innovation pipeline is affected by numerous constraints that pinch off the flow of innovative products and technologies.

For the P2IRC initiative to achieve significant social and/or economic benefits, the results of its Flagship Projects must be disseminated and adopted by different stakeholders in the form of novel digital data, new technological innovations and tools, and new crop varieties. Key challenges that could delay this process include the limited scalability of research prototypes, limited access to research data and tangible outputs (such as new crop varieties and digital technologies), the cost of data storage and processing, regulatory compliance and social acceptability.

Platform 3 focuses on research covering the upstream and downstream dissemination and use of P2IRC research, working with the Flagship Projects to align with their specific needs and to address their specific challenges. Across the four Flagship Projects, there is a need to examine the adoption and diffusion of digital data and new crop breeding tools, to explore intellectual property opportunities and to ensure clarity surrounding potential regulatory and social barriers.

Practical Applications

  • Incoming

The following projects are currently underway within Platform 3:

Activity 3.1

Leveraging FAIR principles for P2IRC data sharing and economic and policy effects

Identifying the constraints surrounding intellectual property, data ownership and access rights, to facilitate technology transfer from the P2IRC Flagship Projects.

Technology transfer is inhibited by issues such as data ownership, intellectual property rights and the right to access and share data. Our researchers are conducting literature surveys to determine how FAIR principles fit within P2IRC technology transfer efforts, enabling the build of communication channels with P2IRC stakeholders as well as national and international organizations. The aim is to identify key strategies that will improve data sharing.


Activity 3.2

Identifying factors driving the adoption of technology

Developing economic models of data sharing to better understand the innovation pipeline in agriculture.

Economic models can facilitate the development of effective policies for the translation of scientific research into economic benefits. This Activity is building economic models for data sharing and trading, to analyze welfare effects under different economic policy interventions. The models will consider a range of market and data characteristics. During this Activity, researchers will be able to analyze datasets collected at the breeder, seed certification and commercial adopter levels to better understand the innovation pipeline in agriculture.


Activity 3.3

Assessing P2IRC efforts by social network analysis

Using social network analysis to map the structure of the P2IRC initiative and determine its impact at different stages of research.

Social network analysis (SNA) is used to characterize social structures by using graphs to represent the structures as nodes (individuals or other entities) and the links between them. Using SNA methods, this Activity is mapping the structure of the project network, analyzing the formation of transdisciplinary collaborations, and evaluating their impact at different stages of research.
